Answer 1 of 8: i'm referring to those very beautiful 1950's wooden motor launches and limo water taxis that ply their trade in venezia... do they have a generic name (like the "gondolas" have) or are they just a certain style of vintage boat.... From the photographer: "venice fascinated me. the use of waterways rather than roads and the variety of boats, from delivery boats to ambulance boats and police boats kept my attention on the water. this boat caught my eye with its classic lines and beautiful wooden body.” - learn more about photographer jonathan leszc. Venetian water taxi tender in fiberglass and wood. venetian water taxi - teak deck modern - classic version, with teak deck and elegant interiors. available with sliding sunroof or aft cockpit..
View of a canal with a bridge and a wooden boat on murano, venice, italy murano, venice, italy. view of a wooden boat, old buildings, shops at a canal in the centre of murano, venice, italy luxury boat in venice. luxury wooden boat floating in grand canal in venice, italy typical scene in burano, venice, italy.. Motolancia veneziana lancia tradizionale di 50 anni. questo restauro ha previsto il rifacimento completo del fondo e delle fiancate. sono state utilizzate tecniche tradizionali con chiodatura in rame ribattuto con la sola variante dell' utilizzo di colle nei doppi fasciami invece della tela imbevuta con olio lino.. The city of venice is an engineering marvel of the world. the city houses almost 300,000 people and is one of the most visited places in europe. today, venice is a tourist city..
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